Living a Life of Unconditional Love
2024 is drawing to a close, bringing us to the final lesson in our 12-Steps to Self-Care series: Love. Love is a wonderful self-care tool and is the basis for all the previous 11 lessons. We didn’t just practice saying “no,” we practiced a loving “no.” You have to learn to place trust and love into yourself to listen to your instincts. You have to learn to love yourself and your dreams in order to pursue them. And we don’t just stay away from drama and negativity; we fill our space with positivity and…you guessed it, love!
There is so much to be said on this topic, but I want to focus today on the power of loving yourself and bringing a sense of unconditional love to the people and energy around you.
Whenever I am thinking about ways to show up and practice self-care, the universe always provides me with the exact message I need to hear. I was recently working with a client, and I picked up one of my resource books, The Body is the Barometer of the Soul, Be Your Own Doctor by Annette Noontil. This is a book I’ve read thousands of times, but on that day, I opened it directly to a section on love. I was able to review the chapter after I had finished the treatment and had to laugh. It was a perfect description of love and self-care.
Love and self-care go hand-in-hand. Loving oneself is the foundation of self-care. A regular practice of self-care helps us learn how to love ourselves. And, as we’ve learned this past year, self-care boosts our physical health and allows us to be better at helping others.
Love releases incredible energy that promotes the biochemistry of healing. Living a life of love, harmony, and peace keeps the body full of energy that supports the lymphatic system and supports your overall health and well-being. If someone is not able to love themselves fully, toxins can build up in the body, which is symbolic of the body giving away its power.
Your ability to love is your strength.
Love is the most important word in the world of energy medicine. As practitioners, we need to have the health, energy, and LOVE to provide healing to our clients. Through our work, we tap into the abundance of love found in the universe, from the Divine, Spirit, or God. As practitioners, we invite this unconditional love to move through us and into our clients like water flowing down the river.
What is unconditional love? It’s a nurturing type of love. A love without expectations. There is enough love for all of us, and it is waiting for us to tap into it. Unconditional love can be found in many places. We might find unconditional love when we think of our children or grandchildren, experience unconditional love from a pet, give or receive an energy treatment, and more.
My friend, Janna Moll, always said, “I’m at my best when I’m giving a treatment.” And you know what? She’s right. As we are opening ourselves up to the flow of loving energy through us and into our clients, we also receive the benefit of this loving, healing energy.
Just this week, I was moved to tears after providing a profound treatment to a client. I felt the unconditional love of the universe and its effect on both my client and myself. If you’ve ever been moved to tears of joy and happiness when providing treatment, then you know the feeling is indescribable.
We all deserve these moments of unconditional love and should seek them out as often as possible.
Unconditional love starts with practicing self-care and loving yourself.
May you be filled with love this holiday season. Let’s welcome 2025 with love for ourselves and the people around us.
Cindy Parsons,
With warmth and healing energy,
Cindy Parsons and the EMS Team
Holistic Nurse
Energy Medicine Practitioner
Instructor—Energy Medicine Specialists
(Read more about Cindy here).