How to Protect Your Energy and Keep Your Vibration High
Last month, we learned how to let go of the things we can’t control. For this month’s 12 Steps to Self-Care topic, we’re focusing on something we can control: Staying away from drama and negativity.
Now, we can’t control our environment. Drama and negativity are more normal or pervasive in some spaces, and I don’t think we can ever avoid toxic or negative people 100% of the time. However, we can control how we react in those situations or remove ourselves and instead find calmness in a safe space if the chaos grows too overwhelming.
As energy medicine practitioners, we have learned that we heal by keeping our vibration level at a higher frequency. Our goal with our clients is to help them have a high vibration to enhance their healing. We cannot effectively reach our goals or help our clients reach theirs if we consistently engage with lower vibrational language.
My friend recently introduced me to Map of Consciousness by David Hawkins, who proposes that the map is a logarithmic scale that gives a way to distinguish between higher and lower consciousness. According to Nisha J. Manek's book Bridging Science and Spirit, Hawkin’s map is a continuous numerical scale. It starts at zero to represent nonliving or dead entities and goes up to one thousand to represent those with the highest levels of consciousness, like the masters: Christ or Buddha. What I found most interesting about this map was the language aspect.
In previous blogs, I’ve discussed just how much of an impact words can have on our health, especially with emotional regulation and eating and sleeping patterns. The consciousness map affirmed that past research. Words with a more negative connotation, like shame, fear, guilt, etc., were lower on the map. Those with a positive connotation, such as peace, joy, love, etc., were on the higher end of the list.
I have a mantra that I say to all of my clients in my energy medicine practice. That mantra is, “I release all that no longer serves and fill this person with light, love, peace, and joy.” This is one way that I can help a person increase their vibration. Even if it’s only temporary, my healing treatment room is a safe space and an area of respite from any chaos, drama, or negativity that may be in their life.
People may not be able to leave their chaos permanently, making a safe space all the more important.
In addition to having a safe space, having techniques to stay positive in the midst of negativity is imperative.
Many mental health articles offer this sound advice:
Keep your power
Counterattack with positivity
Distance yourself, and look for the positive
If someone is being negative toward you, remember that their negativity is about them, not you. One article I’ve read even suggested giving the negativity back as a last resort.
“To do this, stop and think for a minute how you feel and where you feel the negative emotions. Once you establish this imagery, picture yourself letting the negativity flow out of and off of you. See it being released into the atmosphere and flowing back to the source.”
I touch on this in the EMS curriculum in Cutting the Ties That Bind with the beach ball method. Envision yourself standing in a deflated beach ball. When you hear negative words headed toward you, inflate your beach ball. The negative words will hit the beach ball and bounce back to the sender. It is amazing how this simple trick stops the negative flow of words. The sender subconsciously hears the words many times, and this changes how they approach you.
The best way to stop the drama and negativity is to keep your own language positive, remove yourself from toxic situations, or send the negative words back to the speaker. It takes time and practice, but it is worth it. In time, you’ll become efficient at preventing negativity, and the action will become second nature. You’ll enjoy all the benefits that your new, healthier environment provides.
I wish you all the best of luck.
Cindy Parsons,
With warmth and healing energy,
Cindy Parsons and the EMS Team
Holistic Nurse
Energy Medicine Practitioner
Instructor—Energy Medicine Specialists
(Read more about Cindy here).