What is Energetic Intelligence?
Energetic Intelligence is being fully aware of what your energy is saying for you and to you. It includes your general awareness of self and surroundings as well as your energetic awareness. As energetic beings, we communicate with our energy more than we think we do. Our energy is speaking for us all the time. If we are not aware of that, we may create illness, conflict, and expectations, and can be vulnerable to the influence of others.
Four other types of intelligence
Compare energetic intelligence to other ways we have of knowing:
General Intelligence is the ability to perceive or infer information and retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviors within an environment or context. General intelligence is accumulated knowledge that can be tested for IQ, thinking and reasoning ability, or problem-solving.
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to learn, understand or to deal with new or trying situations. With emotional Intelligence, you are able to read, understand and respond to others’ emotions and emotionally laden situations. A mature perspective of Emotional Intelligence embraces compassion for all those interacting. High Emotional Intelligence gives one the ability to manipulate through emotion as well.
Intuitive Intelligence is the combination of four abilities: (1) The ability to think holistically. (2) The ability to think paradoxically. (3) The ability to listen and connect to oneself and others. (4) The ability to lead by influence rather than design. Part of Intuitive intelligence is knowing how you get information and how you process information allowing you to determine which ability best suits a situation.
Spiritual Intelligence is the capacity of an individual to possess a socially relevant purpose in life by understanding 'self' and having a high degree of conscience, compassion and commitment to human values.
Where Are You on the Energetic Intelligence Spectrum?
Everyone possesses qualities in each of type of intelligence. We express on a continuum from first experience or awareness to a highly developed specific intelligence. Where a person at the low end of the spectrum may be highly sensitive but not greatly experienced, a person at the high end of the spectrum may be manipulative and not engaging compassion. The goal is to function in the middle of the spectrum holding compassion, sensitivity and the ability to respond.
As an example, a person on the low end of the spectrum of Energetic Intelligence may easily respond to other’s energies and emotions without the perspective of being separate from what is happening or maintaining their own sense of autonomy. When someone responds to a situation as though it is happening to them instead of observing it is happening around them, it is easy for that person to response from old, patterned behaviors vs. conscious choice. A person with high energetic intelligence may use their or others energy to control or manipulate a situation for a specific purpose without considering how others are affected.
Consider this true-life experiencE
A group of energy healers were at a retreat playing a game for fun. Within the group the spectrum of energetic intelligence varied. One member who had high energetic intelligence manipulated the other players into choosing a card that was least likely for them to win. Another member also of high energetic intelligence with a perspective of compassion understood what was happening and called it out saying to the group, “Stop letting her manipulate you.”
In temporary situations we tend to slide within the continuum finding our place. The attitude of competition was what moved the player to manipulation. It was not a conscious manipulation, but a subtle intention triggered by a competition stance.
When called out, she responded by laughing at the comment and then becoming aware of the manipulation. Recognizing what was happening, that player moved to a mature level of energetic intelligence, honoring the autonomy of all players (an expression of compassion). We naturally slide up and down the scale as we move between experiences. Recognition of disruptive energy at a higher level caused all the players to regroup and the manipulator did not win the next game.
Our energy bodies are intelligent
You’ve surely heard the saying that our thoughts create our reality, and this is proven in science. We respond to our thoughts, feelings, and energies both within and around us. As our energy projects a field, it becomes our place of interacting with the world as well as holding consistent our energy awareness (or identity).
The personal energy field is our boundary to the world, our fingerprint, our autonomy. When it is weakened, our personal identification is weakened, and we become vulnerable to the energies around us. With intention and a commitment to become more experienced in energetic expression, we become more skilled. Harnessing energetic intelligence with compassion allows a greater sense of our own energy and how it influences the world.
Discover your energetic intelligence.
Explore classes available, whether you’re seeking your own healing or you’re ready to learn or deepening your skills as an energy medicine practitioner. Also check out our online school, which complements the in-person coursework towards a certification as a Specialist in Energy Medicine.