Energy Medicine Specialists: The Vision and Credential


On January 12, 2021, Janna Moll and her publishing partner, Shelly Francis, led a community discussion to share Janna's vision for Energy Medicine Specialists (EMS) and the upcoming designation of SEM, or Specialist in Energy Medicine. If you missed the live webinar, you can view the full recording here.

Here are five key takeaways

…but view the whole hour-long conversation to get the full picture:

  1. A standard should be something worth fighting for. Should. And the outcome of that standard should be good health care, good practitioners, and good outcomes with your clients.

  2. The SEM credential would tell you that someone has done the training to be able to diagnose and treat all parts of the energy body. It would tell you that this person practices under a code of ethics, and a scope of practice, to meet you, the client or patient, where you're at. It mimics a Bill of Rights that Western health care might have.

  3. People know themselves best. People know what they need. People know where they're out of balance. People need to know what balance looks like, and they need to be supported in making some of those choices.

  4. The best things about standards and credentials, as they are pats on the back, is that they’re a way of evaluating the training you've gotten that says, ‘Yes, we think that's appropriate for the skill level you've achieved,’ and someone to say ‘Yes, and we're checking up on that, we're going to put our stamp of approval on that, we're gonna make sure that you live up to that.’

  5. I love teaching. It is a passion of mine to teach. And it's not because at all that I think I have all the answers. It is because when you're in sacred circle with other people, and you're sharing ideas, everybody is learning something. And so that's a way for me to strive to be better at what I know and what I do.

Next Steps and Resources

See how you can become qualified as a Specialist in Energy Medicine with the SEM Designation.

Energy Therapy 1 is the first online class, which provides the basics of energy that are missing in so many otherwise-advanced practitioners. If you haven’t taken it yet, it’s the place to begin your journey toward earning the SEM designation.

Energy Therapy 2A and 2B will have both online and in-person classroom components. Look for these courses on the EMS Calendar.

If you’re interested in testing out a Distance Healing online course using a combination of Zoom, partnering offline and debriefing back on Zoom as a group – an idea that surfaced at the end of our call – send me an email to let me know you’re game to experiment this way.

I’ll keep you posted on how and where we can create an online forum as our community gathering place (likely not on Facebook).

I look forward to more conversations with you! Thank you very much!

Energy Medicine Specialists