Are You Living in Fear and Vulnerability?
Photo by Mackenzie Weber on Unsplash
Are you living your life in vulnerability? Are your thoughts driven by fear?
Every one of us does the best we can at any given moment in life. I applaud you for getting up each day and dealing with events and your responses to them!
Where are you throwing a Band-Aid on your perceived situation in an attempt to MAKE THE BEST OF IT, rather than working to change your perception of a given situation? [There is no judgment in this process. I’m just asking you to observe and evaluate what is working and if it is the best you can do in the situation.]
Some of us feel vulnerable to COVID .
Some of us feel vulnerable to what is in the vaccines.
Some of us feel vulnerable to those who are in positions of power.
Some of us feel vulnerable to _________ (fill in the blank)
The Poor
·Different races
Gun owners
Street dwellers
Another political party
Our actions show us our Band-Aid attempts. We avoid, alienate, divide, judge, or choose behaviors that we perceive will ‘keep us safe’ in various situations.
We ALL live with feelings of vulnerability. It is what we do with these feelings that indicates our process, our growth, and where we hold ourselves in issues.
Twice lately I’ve been told that a client can’t work with me because I’m vaccinated against the COVID virus.
Now, I could hear this person’s fear and go into fear myself. My inner talk is all fear-based responses: “Something is wrong with me energetically. I’m defective. I’ve made a bad decision about my health” or my outer projection of, “Something is wrong with that person. They have attacked me. I’m being judged. I’m going to lose my vocation.”
In fact, this thinking process is what makes me vulnerable and the statement really isn’t about me. I would rather NOT judge people, but instead evaluate what energy is being held or projected.
When someone shares their fear with me, or their judgment, I have a choice whether to ‘buy into’ it, or not. The implication that somehow I’m not who I claim to be because I’ve been vaccinated is not about me unless I make it about me. It is a statement of vulnerability by and about the client. The client is projecting his/her vulnerability (fear) onto me as part of their Band-Aid response, such as, “If I avoid X (people who have been vaccinated), I’ll be okay.”
“Truth: NO ONE AND NO THING CAN TAKE MY POWER. I must give it up.”
Here is both an energetic TRUTH and a mantra to practice for June. This is a period of planet retrogrades, out of bounds planets, and eclipses, which just means the energy is likely to be intense, chaotic and unpredictable! (For more info you can check out
Truth: NO ONE AND NO THING CAN TAKE MY POWER. I must give it up.
Mantra: I hold all power over my health and wellbeing. My body expresses its perfection!
To further stimulate growth-work, you can follow the TRUTH STATEMENT with the question, “To what am I giving up my power?”
It is important to have the facts in order to make informed decisions. Facts are not variable and subjective, but based on science and research. I saw on social media that people are claiming metallics in the COVID vaccine are allowing a magnet to stick to the arm where the vaccine was given. People are using this claim to create fear around vaccine safety. A little info can unfortunately go a long way down the rabbit hole of fear. In fact, magnetic nanoparticles have been used in imaging, drug delivery and as vaccine carriers for years. (Google: magnetic nanoparticles vaccines.) This is an example of how people with a little information and lots of emotion (vulnerability) can give up their power to fear. Health preservation is difficult in the energy of fear.
May this month find you tearing off the Band-Aids that keep you holding fear and vulnerability as coping mechanisms. Let the light of the sun shine on your soul’s growth! May the force be with you!
“Let the light of the sun shine on your soul’s growth! May the force be with you!”