What Does Gratitude Mean to You?


Photo by Min An on Pexels


Gratitude – what does this word mean to you? It's a term often thrown around, but what lies beneath its surface?

At its core, gratitude is appreciation. It's the art of recognizing and honoring the gifts and qualities of others, of situations, and even life lessons. It's about seeing the beauty in both the mundane and the extraordinary.

Scientific research has shown that when we genuinely feel gratitude, our energy vibration shifts. It takes a positive turn, influencing our vibrational frequency. As our vibration elevates, we align ourselves with higher-frequency qualities, such as love and compassion.

Gratitude is not just a passing emotion; it's a habit that can be deeply integrated into our lives. It involves thanking, not just for the good and uplifting experiences but also for what we perceive as challenging or even "bad." It's about acknowledging the journey and appreciating every part of it.

When we embrace gratitude, we unlock the door to more positive experiences. Even challenges become opportunities for growth and learning. As we express gratitude for every aspect of our lives, we raise our awareness and appreciation, attracting more of the same.

In the United States, Thanksgiving Day serves as a yearly reminder to practice gratitude. It's a celebration that transcends cultures and traditions, symbolizing the recognition of our achievements, growth, and harvest of life experiences. It's a time to be thankful for all we've gone through.

Gratitude Exercise:

This gratitude exercise is a gift from Janna, the Founder of EMS, who always believed that gratitude is a perspective and a choice. It has the power to bring about profound healing by shifting how we experience and define situations. As Janna would say, "May the force of gratitude be with you daily."

What are you grateful for? List your uplifting (or positive) influences as well as your challenges. This is a PERSONAL exercise! Here are some examples from Janna to get you started. Make sure you fill in both columns! This can be a month-long exercise that you keep adding to. You can review your list daily and also journal around each for more insight.


My children and their spouses

My partner

My pets

My extended family and friends

The ability to stand in my power

Opportunities to appreciate others

My gifts of perception and communication

The ability to hold space/healing for others

Abundance (money, health care, etc)

A car/home that is dependable and safe

People who love and appreciate me

Outlets for my creativity

My physical body; strength, vigor, health

My ability to perceive other’s needs/feelings

The gifts (internal/external) of compassion


Challenges in relationships with others

Not always getting ‘my way’ in life

Not being understood by another/others

Having to motivate myself to achieve goals

My feelings of anger, frustration, and/or sadness

Having to work at good communication with those I love

World situations that do not support my best life

Not always hearing guidance clearly

Developing patience

Having to invest time/consciousness to process emotions

Grief over losses; loved ones, lifestyle, freedoms

Living with another person on a daily basis

Control versus power dynamics

Not living in complete bliss/joy

When considering a blog topic for November, the concept of gratitude naturally came to mind. Janna, our beloved Founder, had penned a beautiful piece on gratitude that continues to resonate with us. As we reflect on her wisdom, it's a reminder of the importance of acknowledging the blessings in our lives. Janna's legacy lives on, and we're grateful for the journey she started, one that's filled with learning, growth, and unwavering support from our EMS community. Personally, I find gratitude in the joy my two grandsons bring and the unwavering camaraderie of fellow energy practitioners. Thank you all for being a part of this incredible journey.

November Networking Call: Healing Touch for Animals

Mark your calendars for November 21st, at 5 pm PT / 6 pm MT / 7 pm CT / 8 pm ET for our networking call featuring Carol Komitor, Founder of Healing Touch for Animals®. Discover how this safe, gentle, and natural approach to animal health and wellness can make a difference in the lives of both animals and humans.

During this session, Carol will share her expertise in teaching students how to assess an animal's energy system and apply specific techniques to clear balance and strengthen the energy system. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the world of animal energy healing with Carol.

Consider this a monthly self-care, support, and networking call! You are part of the Energy Medicine Specialists community!


Cindy Parsons,


To your journey,
Cindy Parsons, RN, BSN, MS-HCA, SEM

Holistic Nurse
Energy Medicine Practitioner
Instructor—Energy Medicine Specialists
(Read more about Cindy here).

Energy Medicine Specialists