To Be or Not To Be an Advanced, Ethical Practitioner


Photo by Dennis Magati from Pexels


A Class You Can Look Forward To—ET2B!

I’m happy to report that the inaugural class for ET2B is complete. Success!! We held the class in North Carolina in a beautiful environment—thank you to the Friends Meeting house in Davidson, North Carolina. The class was amazing with 8 students, plus Lee Hutchison and myself as instructors. ET2B is the third class in the foundational series offered by Energy Medicine Specialists.

The beauty of this work is in the group sharing that organically occurs due to the nature of the topics covered. ET2B is different than any other modality I’ve attended and it has been exciting to help develop and implement this course.

ET2B offers new techniques you won’t learn elsewhere, including detoxification, boosting the immune system, a cancer technique, a viral technique, full-spectrum healing, and new techniques at the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th levels of the energy field. The techniques are beautiful to observe, and healing occurred during class.

The didactic portion of the class is intense with a discussion of elemental healing, earth healing, healing with light and sound, calling upon the divine and other emissaries for support, discussion of dark energy, working with entities, etc. A lot of robust conversations occurred on these multidimensional topics. The class bridges science and spirit with integrity.

Last year, Janna, Lee, and I, along with support from Lynn Traylor and Kara Morris, were working together to complete the curriculum for ET2B. We had met with Janna in person in May 2022. Janna had the outline, and we all chose various parts to review literature and write curriculum to complete ET2B. In early July, we had an online meeting to discuss our progress. Fortunately, I was wise enough to have recorded both meetings. And then Janna passed unexpectedly. Grateful for our work so far and determined to carry on, Lee and I completed writing the workbook using the recordings to help us stay true to the vision Janna had for this class.

Ironically, in May, Janna told me that when she is gone, the work of EMS will carry on. The group of people attending ET2B have become ambassadors for EMS. They are helping to carry forward this important work. If you’re reading this, so are you!

Whenever I teach an EMS course, I am reminded why the work of EMS is so important.

First, ethics is a top priority. EMS is based upon five key principles:

  1. Ethics

  2. Professionalism

  3. Structure

  4. Boundaries

  5. Self Care

One of the concepts of ethics is to work in alignment with allopathic medicine. This means EMS uses guidelines similar to medical and healthcare professionals: We provide services to our clients in a professional, ethical, confidential manner, including documentation of care given, feedback from the client, and all messages. EMS supports and respects the medical and healthcare professionals, including supporting scientific research.

Second, EMS stands out from other modalities because it’s advanced. EMS courses provide an extensive literature review that adds the scientific aspect of healing to the practitioner’s understanding of the human energy system. We teach advanced techniques that help practitioners deepen their practice. Personally, I now only use techniques taught through EMS. Clients have told me they have noticed a difference after a treatment, and that they feel they have a deeper spiritual connection since I’ve aligned primarily with EMS.

Overall, those who attended felt the class was very successful. There are some minor tweaks that Lee and I have added to enrich the depth of this class even more.

One person who is fairly new to the EMS community described the group’s dynamics as the most loving, centered place she had ever been involved in. She was appreciative of the sharing and caring that was abundant that weekend. She kept saying how loved she felt—and LOVE is what EMS is about.

Are you ready to deepen your practice, learn more advanced techniques, align with healthcare professionals, and learn the science behind the healing? Energy Therapy 1 (online, self-paced) and Energy Therapy 2A (next offering is in June 2023) are the prerequisites for ET2B.

Check out all the EMS classes on the website. We’ve added quite a few in 2023. If you want a class near you, contact me to make plans.

Explore a Triple Healing Combo of Reiki, Crystals, and Cacao at EMS Call on April 18

Our next community support meeting will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, April 18 at 5 pm PT / 6 pm MT / 7 pm CT / 8 pm ET.

This event is part of our commitment at Energy Medicine Specialists to energetically support you in developing your practice and personal well-being as a healer.


Hope Hughes is a master reiki practitioner and trainer, a nature intuitive, certified holistic life coach and certified Cacao practitioner. In 2018 after the loss of her brother to suicide and her second cancer diagnosis, Hope went through a very powerful awakening process. She learned to listen to her heart and follow her intuition.


Join us on Tuesday, April 18 for the EMS Networking call where Hope will share her story of how she got where she is today, describing her practice with Reiki, crystal readings, and how she works with ceremonial cacao. Hope will do one or two group readings, plus a Q&A session.


Register in advance for this meeting. After registering, you'll receive a confirmation email containing a link to join the meeting. We will also send you a reminder link on the day of the event. If you can't attend in person, you can still register to get a recording of the call.

Consider this a monthly self-care, support, and networking call! You are part of the Energy Medicine Specialists community!


Cindy Parsons, RN, BSN, MS-HCA, SEM

Peace and Joy,
Cindy Parsons, RN, BSN, MS-HCA, SEM
Lead Instructor and Mentor
(Read more about Cindy here).