Happy New Year 2022!


Welcome to a delineation between what was (2021) and what is/will be (2022).

Do you get tired of policing yourself and others? Is life too serious?

I have noticed many issues presenting where people feel others either don’t live up to their standards, or where people are assuming and judging the behaviors of those around them, usually without any deeper knowledge gained from engaging communication (especially listening). Likely you are experiencing a jumping back and forth from being on the judging side, or on the being judged side.

I find this is far too life draining.

What if this year we made a goal of enjoyment, love, acceptance, and of fully appreciating the current moment? When I think about the big picture of life and its meaning, I know that in each moment – LIFE IS PERFECT! It is we that fail to recognize this. We get caught up in what others expect of us, what we expect of others, what falls short of the ‘ideal’ in our experiences, and in the striving to create something better than what is currently or, correcting what we see as ‘wrong’.

I’m tired of living on the outside, which feels like life is happening to me, instead of me being an integral part of it.

If instead I step to the inside of any experience (presence) and see it for what it is, it becomes easier to let go of the framework of expectation. If JOY and LOVE become my focus, then each moment is an opportunity to experience more of both. In this one moment I breathe in…hold stillness and beingness….and breathe out. I am observing, rather than reacting. This act expands presence in the moment. (The mantra - Be Here Now.) With this focus I embrace appreciation and an opening to the possibilities of even greater magic! When I stay in the moment, I allow that moment to BE ALL and I free the possibilities in it. I embrace the undefined, the magic!

A year is divided into moments and packaged into a number. From the outside, it is one year. A package - 2022. But inside that package there are:

12 months
365 days
8760 hours
And over 31 million seconds!

How many moments do you think you were present to in the last year? A handful? When the moments are fully observed, they can be many seconds of joy and meaning, of love and connection.

Journaling is a great activity for bringing awareness and observation to the moments of presence within a given day. It is valuable to write about more than what was done, but also what was observed and felt. Each detail becomes a moment of observation and can unleash the inherent magic and creativity.

If you are not experienced with journaling, here are some prompts to get you started.

  • What did I do today?

  • How did I feel while doing each of these?

  • Did I observe greater detail than what I initially remembered? (Sit with each moment)

  • How did I interact with others?

  • Did I have expectations or experience judgements?

  • Did I see the joy or promise of the moment?

  • How did I make room for, and experience the magic?

What you do this month can become a new process for this beautiful, magical, promise-filled year!

May the force be with you!



2021 was an eventful year for Energy Medicine Specialists! The paperwork and investigation was started in 2020 for two trademarks; one on the EMS logo and name and one on the SEM to be awarded to students completing the EMS Energy Medicine training program. Both have been awarded. We are especially excited about this award!

This is a momentous accomplishment and means that upon completion of all coursework with EMS the student is allowed to use the acronym SEM behind his/her name. This represents the Specialist in Energy Medicine.

The first sequential course under Energy Medicine Specialists is Energy Therapy 1. Please check it out and register here.